Five ways to faster muscle recovery

Guest post by

Wesley Doyle

Wesley Doyle is a Sussex based health and fitness journalist whose work has appeared in Men’s Health, Runner’s World, Men’s Fitness, Cyclist, Healthy for Men, and The Red Bulletin.

Author views are not our own.

Five ways to faster muscle recovery

Guest post by

Wesley Doyle

Wesley Doyle is a Sussex based health and fitness journalist whose work has appeared in Men’s Health, Runner’s World, Men’s Fitness, Cyclist, Healthy for Men, and The Red Bulletin.

Author views are not our own.

Whether you’re hitting the gym for a heavy session, embarking on an endurance activity such as running or cycling, or playing a team sport, how you choose to recover can be just as important as the hard work you put in. Rest and repair are key to getting the most from your labours, as well as ensuring you’re ready for your next training session or event. Here are five natural ways to ensure your muscles have everything they need for a fast and effective recovery.

Stay well hydrated
You can start your recovery before you even finish exercising by staying hydrated throughout training. Not only is being dehydrated unhealthy generally, but it can also adversely affect your body’s ability repair and build muscle, as well as making your susceptible to the dreaded DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) . Taking regular sips of water throughout your session will ensure that your muscles stay hydrated, making them ready for the process of protein synthesis that makes them stronger. Adding some carbohydrate, such as a spoonful of Manuka honey, to your water bottle will give you a natural isotonic sports drink (and a pinch of salt will make it hypotonic too).

Have a refuelling strategy
Refuelling isn’t just about replacing what you’ve used while training, it’s an opportunity to ensure your body is optimised for repairing and strengthening your muscles. Your main focus post-training should be to take on a balance of protein and carbs as quickly as possible. Many people turn to protein supplementation, such as whey protein, to do this but forget about the carbohydrates. Manuka honey is a great, natural source of carbs. Adding a spoonful to your post-workout shake can help replenish your glycogen stores, while it’s high antioxidant content can help neutralise damaging free-radicals produced by high-intensity exercise.

Pimp your massage
The benefits of foam-rollers, massage guns or, if you’re lucky, a masseuse, on tired and aching muscles has always been the subject of much contention. But according to a recent study the evidence is now conclusive: applying precise, repeated pressure to muscles results in faster and stronger recovery. The research suggests that the compression actually forces the inflammation-causing cells out of the muscle tissue, helping them recover quicker.

You can aid this process by using Manuka Pharm’s Cooling and Warming Rub Ease Gels, which combines the proven healing properties of Manuka honey and plant extracts with CBD Isolate, utilising its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Warm baths not cold showers
Forget ice baths, research has found warm temperatures have a more positive effect on the recovery of tired muscles than cold . Having a warm bath post-training creates the best environment for muscle repair and will also help relax you, putting you in a good place for our next tip, below.
You can optimise your time in the tub by adding a few drops of Manuka Pharm’s Relaxing Bath & Shower Oil, which will aid the relaxation process while imparting some of its anti-inflammatory benefits too.

Speed recovery with sleep
Ask any professional athlete what the most important aspect of their training is and they’ll likely say rest, specifically getting a good night’s sleep. That’s because our bodies do most of their repair work while we’re in bed, and anything that interferes with that will reduce the effectiveness of our recovery.
Anything that helps you sleep more easily and better is welcome. Which is why many athletes are turning to CBD to ensure they get they get the best quality sleep possible, increasing the opportunity their bodies have to repair themselves. CBD also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, reducing and muscle soreness, along with supporting the body with its recovery.
So whatever your exercise of choice, balance working hard with resting hard is the best way to ensure your muscles recover fully and quickly.

Manuka Pharm’s Cooling and Warming Muscle Gels are formulated to ease and soothe tired, aching muscles and reduce inflammation. Made with 0% pure CBD (with no THC) and Genuine Manuka honey. You can find out more in our shop.
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